Friday, July 16, 2010

"The Best of Intentions" Group exhibit

July 22nd, Thursday 6-9pm

Show run from July 20th - Aug. 14th 2010

Vici Quod Locus will be in this show.

Ceres Gallery
547th West 27th Street
Suite 201, 2nd Floor
New York NY 10001

(212) 947-6100

Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat noon - 6pm

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Painting

"Vici Quod Locus"
Oil on Canvas
36" x 48"

The intention of my work is for the viewer to go beyond everyday thoughts and feelings. My work isn’t about making someone feel happy or sad; rather it’s about looking into the source of the self. My work is a process, a continuum, a single extended thought. For me, art is a reflection of life - a reflection of self. I look toward recognition of life as being ongoing and continuous, striving for a connection between the physical and the spiritual.

Vici Quod Locus is Latin for time and space. Using this ancient language is a connection between the ancient times and today thus assisting its existence. I begin the painting by placing lines and shapes on the canvas. Some of these markings eventually disappear or become more prevalent as I continue to work. The glazes set up an element of chance. Some of the thin glazes are disbanded to individual specs of pigment, when multi layers of different colors are laid, new colors are formed.

Existing upon an atmospheric surface, some of the markings that were once void of emotion are now charged with energy. By retaining an element of chance and chaos by juxtaposing hard lines against an atmospheric surface, I create an aesthetic form over a natural form. The two co-exist on the same surface yet defy any planar standard. This contradiction creates a complimentary environment, never allowing one to dominate over the other.

The difficulty for abstract art today is to sustain the sense of spiritual stimmung in the face of a society that assimilates abstract art as simply another kind of communication and so makes us insensitive and unresponsive to it. As (Meyer) Shapiro wrote, experiencing art as well as creating it involves ‘a process ultimately opposed to communication as it is understood now.’ Authentically, spiritual abstract art does not so much ‘communicate’ as ‘induce an attitude of communion and contemplation.’”
The Spiritual in Art – Abstract Painting 1890-1985 p.314

Friday, October 23, 2009

new book now availbale in paper back!

Hello All -

My new book...The Insignificant is now available in paper back for those individuals wanting to save a couple dollars.

**** the lay out of my book is a bit unconventional ****

There is an explanation regarding this on the inside dust jacket of the hard cover books. The soft cover (paper back) books will not have the explanation.

To view and order just click on the box below where you see the book!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Insignificant - New Book!

Click the orange "Book Preview" word in box to see and order my new book
titled The Insignificant.

Feel free to post a comment with any questions or comments you may have.

Back cover:

In regards to poetry books, much of what I read doesn’t personally appeal to me. Many times I will skim over writings until I come across that one that stands out. Sometimes I may reread a book a year later and discover a poem that I had once dismissed but for some unknown reason I now find a deep appreciation for and find myself transposing my own experiences within the words. I look for that one poem that I can identify with or that makes me think and feel. It causes me to ponder. Ponder is an under rated word that should be put to use and practiced. Often, we act and react without pondering the situation or consequences. We deprive ourselves of acquiring deeper self discovery and wisdom.

The content of my writings will be most appreciated by mature readers. Some of my poems are dark and cruel while others are compassionate; sensitive and at times playful. The Insignificant is a body of work that has developed over a period of years so my mindset and styles may seem inconsistent. As we all know, life is inconsistent and poetry (as with any form of art) is a reflection of life.

It is my desire that you (the reader) will find one poem in this book that stands out, one that makes you think and
feel ... and yes, causes you to ponder

official website

Please visit my official website